Milano Days

❤ Milano days

Viano Days

From the tiny village we are in, Viano.

You can view the full gallery here  or  view on Facebook

New Toy!

Lovely photos so far from this chap.  Failing to connect wifi uploads is very annoying though!

Joe – Update

Remember Joe?  Happy to report that he has been signed by a modelling agency.  Hardly surprising!  Looking forward to seeing him on pages and bill boards soon.

Emilie’s BFF Shoot

This shoot was so much fun! Emilie wanted to have some special photo memoires of her best friends before they all move on now they’ve left school… What a great idea.

You can view the full gallery here or  view on Facebook

May Business

OK, this photo selection is very personal.  May saw Tally confirmed, turn 18 and legally buy at the bar!  It was also her last Speech Day and sports day where she took a magnificent first in shot put!  We were lucky that loads of very special people joined in the fun.  Both Charlie and Tally will keep treasured memories of their very happy time there.

How time flies.

You can view the full gallery here or  view on Facebook